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Block Island, RI - Striped Bass Fishing

By Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/26/2004 - Short URL: https://neangling.com/?p=421 - Views: 272000

Striped Bass FishingThe Northeast Angling hosts and crew made their first striped bass fishing trip ever to scenic Block Island, RI in late June to learn about a unique technique from Capt Skip Stritzinger. Skip is the 2003 American Striper Association National Champion and had won the RISAA “governor’s Cup for 3 straight years. He fishes for trophy striped bass using eels in deep water with no weight (free-lining)!  This was the first of many trips to Block Island which continues to be a favorite Northeast Angling destination.

The light tackle no-weight striped bass fishing method proved to be deadly as he put Capt Andy and Rich on plenty of bass to over 30lbs. It can take a bit of extra boat handling and some practice to become proficient.

“This was our first trip with Capt Skip and we certainly learned a lot about striper fishing with eels and no weight.  To this day, this is still my favorite method for targeting trophy stripers.  You can get away with relatively light tackle because the water is deep and the fish start coming up as soon as they are hooked.  Some day, someone is going to break the striper world record in these waters!” Capt Andy LoCascio

If you have questions about any of the equipment used during the show, please contact us.

Click here for our Striped Bass on live eels gear recommendations.

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