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Flounder FishingFlounder fishing used to be the first choice for introducing young anglers to the sport fishing.  Flounder prefer cool shallow water and can be found on a wide variety of bottoms.  Flounder are under pressure from a variety of sources.  Even with tight regulations there is nothing to stop fluke, stripers, diving birds, and other predators from decimating juvenile flounder.  Many anglers feel that increases in stripers and fluke populations led directly to the most noticabale declines in certain regions.  These fish are fun to catch and great to eat!

Flounder Fishing

Flounder were plentiful in the shallow waters of all the northeast states.  However, environment loss and poor regulations (both recreational and commercial) greatly harmed the populations.  Boston Harbor is the perfect example.  At one time it was the best flounder fishing destinations in the world.  Pollution and over-fishing decimated the population.  However, that has been almost completely reversed.  Better water treatment and more reasonable regulations has once again made Boston Harbor one of the best destinations.

Click here to see all of our Flounder Shows (with loads of flounder fishing tips and locations)

Click here for our recommended Flounder Tackle


Flounder Fishing Techniques

There really is only one technique for flounder.  The fish are not very aggressive and slow sinker bouncing with two well placed hooks with small gaps is the standard.  There are variations on this rig, but very few anglers stray from it.  Anglers typically anchor and chum or drift slowly across open bottom.  They really are not other viable flounder fishing techniques.

Flounder Fishing Tips

Flounder love shallow water where they can find the tiny shrimp, worms, and shellfish they feed on.  Docks and mud-flats are usually the best locations.  Chumming is critical when fishing at anchor.  Flounder are very susceptible to chum (especially ground clam and muscle chum).  Flounder rarely hit a bait hard, they typically suck in the bait and when the angler feels the weight (a slow lift), it is time to set the hook.  All the videos below contain useful flounder fishing tips!

Northeast Angling YouTube