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Jefferys Ledge, MA - Shark Fishing

By Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/28/2003 - Short URL: https://neangling.com/?p=377 - Views: 194238

Shark FishingOur shark fishing visit to the Jeffreys Ledge of the coast of Massachusetts set a record for the longest run of our first season season.  Captains Andy and Rich’s guest, Captain John Pirie of On-Line Fishing Charters got the guys into an awesome shark bite. They baited, hooked and landed blue sharks to over 250lbs. All of the shark fishing was done while chumming and drifting just off the edge of the ledge in depths from 250 to 400 feet.  The edges of ledge were loaded with cod and other bottom fish.  Our slick and drift were set up to attract the attention of any sharks that were traveling along the ledge.

If you have questions about any of the equipment used during the show, please contact us.

“This was the second show we did with Capt John Pirie and it was not planned.  The prior day we were chasing bluefin tuna and were able to get everything we needed for that show.  Shark fishing seemed like a good idea.  We were so excited to get a chance to film another show, we nearly ran out of gas on the way back!” Capt Andy LoCascio

Click here for our recommended Shark Tackle

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