New England Sharks

Capts Rich, Bill, and Andy with a 482lb Thresher
Capt Andy and Rich hooked up with New England shark authority Capt Bill Brown of Billfish Sportfishing Charters. Bill Brown is a prolific outdoor writer, seminar speaker, successful tournament angler, shark fishing specialist, and one of the finest fishermen we have ever met.
He was confident that he could find a big Mako or Thresher shark and he did! The crew capped off an early day filled with very respectable blue sharks by hooking into a monster fish. They ran the boat hard and Bill put enormous pressure on the fish and 45 minutes later we had a 482lb Thresher subdued at boat side. The fish was weighed at Snug Harbor Marina in Point Judith, RI.
There is some incredible action at one point when the fish dives under the boat and only some careful boat handling stops the fish from being cut off.
The techniques and tackle in this show can be used by anyone who dares to go shark fishing. If you have questions about any of the equipment used during the show, please contact us.
Click here for our Shark Tackle gear recommendations
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