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Castnetting Part 1 - Selecting the Right Net

By Capt Andy LoCascio - 06/03/2011 - Short URL: https://neangling.com/?p=3780 - Views: 489773

Castnets are really important in the Northeast especially for getting bait in the spring summer and fall. One of our most common baits is bunker, but we also deal with spearing as well.

Selecting the correct net is extremely critical. When selecting the net you must take into account the type of bait that you are after. Mesh sizes are typically measured as unstretched. For Adult bunker the most effective mesh size is 1″. When netting peanut bunker we can use 1/2″, 3/8″ or less but when going after spearing you must use a 1/4″ or you will be gilling alot of the bait.

The length of the net is determined by the radius. So a 10ft net has a 10ft radius and a 20ft diameter. It’s critical that when netting adult bunker you use a net that is 10ft or larger. In some states 10ft is the maximum size allowed so it’s important to check your state regulations. You can use an 8ft net for spearing or peanut bunker but we highly recommend you use no less than a 10ft net for adult bunker.

Please send us a message and tell use what type of net you are looking for and we will work with you to help you find the net that best suites your needs.

By Capt Andy LoCascio - Host of Northeast Angling TV
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