Three Days - Three Giant Bluefin Tuna (700-900-950)
When Capt Andy fished with captain Troy Bruce and mate Ryan Young of Bruce Brothers Charters out of Prince Edward Island, Canada they suggested there was no need to wait until September to visit them. This is simply the best giant bluefin tuna fishery in the world and a “bucket list” trip for any serious angler. He took their advice and this past weekend Capt Andy and Steve Palmo released three giants of 700, 900, and 950lbs (112″) all on stand-up gear.
Toughest Fish in the World

900lb+ Giant Bluefin Tuna caught and released by Capt Andy
Capt Andy says “In my opinion, these are simply the toughest fighting fish in the world! I have wrestled with big marlin and there is no comparison to the sheer strength and stamina of a giant bluefin tuna. I admit that nothing matches the excitement of a wildly jumping marlin (tuna simply don’t jump) and big marlin are certainly dangerous at boat-side because of their explosiveness. But pound for pound there is no tougher fish in the sea.”
Stand-Up Tackle for Giants?!

Steve Palmo applying 50lbs+ of drag pressure to a 950lb giant bluefin tuna
There are three ways to fight these fish. You can fight them from a traditional fighting chair, in the rod holder (Wicked Tuna style), or using stand-up gear. The fighting chair is what most anglers are comfortable with and is a great fishing experience. Using the gunnel rod holder is certainly the easiest way and still requires some serious strength and good technique.
If you dare to use stand-up gear (our choice), you need to click here!
Ridiculous Drag Pressure

Capt Andy fighting a 900lb+ giant
The strike setting on these reels is typically around 50lbs (full drag at 65lbs). If you do not have a lot of big game fishing experience, this may not seem like significant. However, this is nearly the limit for most anglers on stand-up gear unless they weigh over 250lbs. Capt Andy says “I am over 6ft tall, but I only weigh 175 lbs. I always need to lean way back and I struggle to handle drag pressures much over 45lbs. I compensate by using my hands to add pressure at key moments and work my legs to drive the rod upward while leaning backwards. I get better and more confident with each fish. Steve is shorter and heavier and he can handle another 5lbs or so of drag.”
Bruce Brother Charters
Captains Troy and Jamie Bruce are incredibly talented and we suspect they catch and release more giants in a single season than the entire Northeast US fleet. Visit the Bruce Brothers Charters website to learn more and book a trip (tell ’em we sent you!). They are 100% committed to protected the fishery and playing by the rules (one and only one release per half-day trip). The other captains in the fleet all share the same commitment and together they have made this the finest giant bluefin recreational fishery in the world. We have only fished with one mate so far and he is one of the toughest wire-men in the business. We will be sharing a video showing just how tough he is. His talents extend well beyond his wire work and he and Troy are a very good team.
Giant Bluefin Videos
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