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Lure Refinishing

By Capt Andy LoCascio - 03/01/2014 - Short URL: https://neangling.com/?p=6508 - Views: 26419

Lure RefinishingI often find myself fishing with others and “borrowing” their lures especially when traveling.  If I get to make a choice, I always opt for the lure with the worst finish because chances are good that lure caught the most fish because it has the best action!  However, when I use my own lures, I assume the action is effective regardless of the state of the finish.  If all goes well (and I catch a pile of fish) the lure will eventually need to be repaired.  Fishing lures are way too expensive and hopefully hold too many memories to be discarded just because the finish is gone.

Lure Refinishing

Here are step by step instructions for fishing lure repair and lure refinishing.

Time requred: About 1 Hour

Supplies needed:

  • 2-part Epoxy Filler. Denatured Alcohol
  • Masking Tape
  • Spray Paint
  • Epoxy Sealer or Clear Enamel

Tools required:

  • Split ring pliers. medium-fine steel wool or ScotchBrite pad
  • Binder Clip

1. Take a before picture for future before/after sharing

Layout your lure in all it's glory and snap a quick picture

2. Remove the hooks and split rings

A good pair of split ring pliers are a "must" in any serious anglers arsenal.  Include some extra hooks and split rings and this ensures that you can handle any emergency repair.

3. Prepare lure surface

Use medium-fine steel wool or a Scotchbrite pad to remove any loose finish.

4. Fill holes and gouges

Use an 2-part epoxy filler for any deep gouges and sand the patches smooth.

5. Clean surface

Wipe the lure clean with denatured alcohol

6. Tape areas not to be painted

Use  masking tape to cover any areas that will not be painted (eyes, eyelets, etc.).

7. Use a binder clip to mount the lure on a cardboard background

Most lures have a two-tone finish. Typically, one side is light and the other is dark (just like a baitfish). Create a simple cutout that you can use to paint only the top or the bottom. Remove the wire from one side of the binder clip and pass it through the tail eye. Then attach the clip to the cardboard cutout (refer to the video for this step)

8. Apply THIN coats of the desired paint

Choose a spray paint that can take some abuse. Eposybased paints are the best, followed by enamel, and then acylic. Apply several thin coats and follow the on-can instructions on applying additional coats.

9. Apply a clear enamel or epoxy sealer

If you used an acrlic or enamel paint, apply at least two thin coats of enamel sealer ir an epoxy sealer. If you used an epoxy paint, do the same with an epoxy sealer.

10. Remove any masking tape

Carefully remove any masking tape. Be dure to wait long enough for the paint to dry before removing it.

11. Replace the hooks and split rings

You can use the original hook and split ringd. However, this is a good time to replace any hardware that is already shown signs of corrosion.

12. Take an after picture

Be sure to share the before and after pictures with your friends! And while you are at it, be sure to share this article!

By Capt Andy LoCascio - Host of Northeast Angling TV
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