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TGT Rod Rigger – Product Review and Much More

By Capt Andy LoCascio - 08/07/2023 - Short URL: https://neangling.com/?p=8433

Some product reviews are just that, a simple product review. This one has a very interesting story that surrounds it.

Northeast Angling started airing in 2003 and we were at nearly every boat and sportsman show for the next 7 plus years. At one of those shows we came across Vinny Vetere and he gave us a deal on two sets of stainless TGT Rod Riggers.  I suspect I never realized he was a local charter captain.  We met a lot of great people in those days and were so busy keeping the show afloat, that we struggled keeping track of everyone we met.

Click here to learn more from the manufacturer

Lives and Wives

Striped Bass on MojosA lot happened for me in the years that followed – filmed 70+ TV shows, 9/11, a divorce, a new marriage, two kids, COVID, multiple boats, and several major personal reinventions. Somewhere along the way, I forgot where they came from (they never needed replacement or repairs). They were always a staple on every boat. I always wanted more, but struggled to find the time to track them down.

Back to Trolling

A year or so ago, when we started trolling Al Gags lures, we shared our tricks with some of our closest fishing buddies. My friend Harry wanted a set and together we figured out they were TGT Rod Riggers and he went and bought two sets (one for him and another for me).

Who is This Guy?

Early this spring when we were fishing in the East River, another boat (Katfish Charters) came up to a piece where we were fishing. We usually run away when this happens, but it was clear we weren’t hiding anything as we had just watched him do perfect drifts across another piece of bottom to the south of us. His drifts on our piece were different than ours, but equally productive. He immediately had our respect. A few weeks later we saw him again in NY Harbor, once again making the perfect drift.

I made a call to Capt Henry Feeney to find out who this captain was. Henry is arguably one of the best fishermen on the planet and knows everyone. And, of course he knew the captain was Vinny Vetere, and connected the two of us.

After a brief call we shared texts for a few weeks until Vinny pointed out that the TGT Rod Rigger appeared on all our inshore trolling videos and that was his creation! I figured it out, we lost contact with each other for over 15 years.

The Actual Product Review

If you have fished on one of the Long Island Fishing Charters boats and we trolled, you certainly saw us using them. The TGT Rod Rigger are indestructible and very easy to use. Nothing else comes remotely close. The rods are positioned nearly horizontal to the water and that more than doubles the width of our trolling footprint. Because they are close to the water, we need to put out less line and can more easily control the depth.

The reel locks the rod in position and though it has a safety line, we never use it. To get the rod out, you just lift on the foregrip and push the butt down.

Take Your Kid Fishing

We like to catch big stripers and bluefish! We are usually more tuned in to the big fish bite than the anything else. However, we love to take families and kids fishing. These big fish are impossible for the smaller kids and even challenge some of less experienced adults. We put together a couple of Penn 7-foot medium action outfits with Fathom level-wind line-counter reels and braided line for trolling. Older kids can even do the drop-back using the line counter. The level-wind ensures that ANYONE can operate this outfit. We just need to tell them when to stop reeling (or add an idiot-bead).

Learn More and Buy Here

More Video Proof

We were going to film a separate product review, but the TGT guys already have a great video.  Instead, here are two more videos we filmed using them and their promotional video from their website.

By Capt Andy LoCascio - Host of Northeast Angling TV
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