Fishing tackle and rigs instructional videos and detailed instructions for inshore and offshore fishermen and much more at Northeast Angling TV
TGT Rod Rigger – Product Review and Much More
Some product reviews are just that, a simple product review. This one has a very interesting story that surrounds it. Northeast Angling started airing in 2003 and we were at nearly every boat and sportsman…
Mojos – Everyone is Doing Everything Wrong!
There is plenty of debate about the exact origin and development of the mojo. It is irrelevant. This is just a simple tandem trolling rig with countless variations used primarily to target Striped Bass. It…
Wind-On Leader - Step-by-Step Video and How-to
Wind-on leaders can be very expensive. Experienced anglers use them for nearly all trolling applications. They can also be used for conventional reels loaded with braided line used for jigging and bottom fishing. Aside from…
Yellowfin Tuna Guide - Video Edition!
The Yellowfin Tuna Plugging Guide has become one of the most popular features on Northeast Angling. It contains all the information an angler needs to target big tuna on popping plugs. Here is the new…
Spring Striper Tune-up - 5 "Must-See" Videos
Spring in the Northeast is Striped Bass time! We have put together the following “must-see” videos that cover bunker snagging, knot tying. loading spinning reels with braid, tying a chunking rig, and connecting braid directly to…
How-to Build a Daisy Chain Teaser (step-by-step) with Video
Daisy chain squid teasers are a great way to enhance your trolling lure spread when targeting marlin, tuna, wahoo, and other offshore big game species. They are not difficult to make, but they are much…
Black Magic Fighting Belt
We have been using the Black Magic Harness for years and others just cannot compare when it comes to comfort and ease of use. “Capt. Andy” The belt itself has a very wide plate making…
Tidaltails - Blackfish Jig'z
Tidaltail jig’z have changed the way we fish for Togs forever! Myself, along with Capt Rich, John and Andy have been using these jig’z for the past few years and they have changed the black…
Bunker Snagging
Snagging bunker is a great way to get bait for striped bass. Unfortunately, many anglers make the mistake of using an old rod with bad line to snag bunker. Sooner or later, you’ll catch something!…
Knot Tying - One Man Bimini Twist to Albright
Andy demonstrates the one man Bimini twist. The Bimini knot can be difficult to tie at first but after plenty of practice you can tie it just a fast as any other knot in your…
Spring Striped Bass Fishing - Tips, Techniques, and Tackle
Spring striped bass fishing is a sure cure for cabin fever! However, the water is typically cold and the stripers can be a bit sluggish. Selecting the correct tackle can make the difference between curing…
Tackle - Loading a Spinning Reel
Loading a spinning reel with braided line takes some additional effort to ensure that the entire mass of line does not simply slip on the spool. This is not a problem with mono because the…