Mahi Tackle

For targeting mahi around floating debris or lobster buoys, we recommend using bucktails.  A spinning rod and reel combo suitable for 20-30lb fused line is preferred.  The optimal rod is 7′ feet long with a fast to extra-fast action and capable of handling lure weights up to 1 ounce (though you typically throw lures 50% heavier than the rating).  Most anglers prefer to use 30lb fused line (as opposed to 20lb fused line)  because the slightly increased line diameter does not noticeably affect casting distance.

Recommended Mahi Line

We recommend loading the reel with 30lb fused line as opposed to braided line or mono.  Fused and braided lines allow for much greater casting distance than mono.  This is because is the much smaller line diameter of fused and braided lines.  In addition, the fused and braided lines have virtually no stretch which allows the angler to carefully work even the most difficult lures, feel the softest hits, and easily set the hook.  Fused line is preferred to braided line because it has better abrasion resistance and is less likely to form a wind knot.

Recommended Mahi Rig

The line should be attached to a 3ft length of 30-5olb fluorocarbon leader using a 50lb barrel swivel.  The small profile of the swivel virtually eliminates any chance of picking up debris and provides an easy connection point between the line and the leader.  The angler needs to be careful not to reel the swivel into the rod as it can damage the guides.  Some anglers use an albright or uni-knot instead of a swivel.  This knot can be tricky to tie properly with braided and fused lines.

Mahi Fishing Techniques and Tips

Bucktails are universally effective for mahi especially when fished with a strip of pork rind or preferably soft bait-tails. These can be worked in any condition at a variety of speeds. The standard colors are white, yellow, and green (chartreuse), yet it is always a good idea to try to “match the hatch”.  Some anglers prefer to use lipless swimmers and conventional swimmers.

Mahi Tackle Checklist

Please contact us if you have questions about our Mahi tackle recommendations!

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