The rod we recommend for giant blue tuna stand-up fishing is a 6’0″ straight or bent butt rod rated for 130lb mono. This is typically going to be the highest rated rod in any series. There are no compromises here. Lighter rods simply will not have enough power to get the fish to a position where the wireman get grab the leader.
Steve Palmo applying 50lbs+ of drag pressure to a 950lb giant bluefin tuna
We strongly recommend using only lever drag reels for giant tuna. Two-speed reels provide an added advantage. We recommend an 80lb class reel. Anything smaller will simply not have enough line capacity. The 130lb class reels are simply too heavy for stand-up. Lever drag reels are a must for circle hook fishing (also recommended – see below). The lever drag allows the angler to slowly increase the drag pressure to ensure the proper hook set.
Tuna can be notoriously line-shy and for this reason all chunking is done with a 100-200ft 130lb mono top-shot backed with hollow braid of equal or higher rating (typically 200lb). The thinner diameter of the braid provides significant additional line capacity. The hollow braid allows for an optimal connection where the mono topshot threaded into a 6-8ft section of the braid.
When targeting giant bluefin tuna we use a bimini twist knot to create at approx 20ft length of double main line passed twice through the eye of a 300-400lb ball bearing swivel. The swivel is connected to an 8-10ft length of 130-200lb fluorocarbon leader using a loop protector and a crimp. The hook is also connected using a loop protector and a crimp. Both crimps are covered with black electric tape to reduce their visibility.
We strongly recommend using only 9/0 – 11/0 3x circle hooks for several reasons:
We recommend the Black Magic Fighting Belt and Harness. This is a uniquely designed belt and harness system that helps prevent side-to side slippage while reducing back strain. It offers true seat conformation, more stability and fighting leverage!
Please contact us if you have questions about our recommendations!