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Vineyard Sound, MA - Fluke Fishing

By Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/26/2004 - Short URL: https://neangling.com/?p=423 - Views: 234995

Fluke FishingCapts Andy LoCascio and Rich Tenreiro make a late June fluke fishing trip to Vineyard Sound, MA to fish with Capt Gary Corsetti for some monster fluke (summer flounder).

The guys catch a pile of trophy fluke to over 10lbs in 50-90ft of water using relatively light tackle and bucktails.   Gary Corsetti is a respected and extremely successful tournament angler.  This technique often requires some expert boat handling to control the drift.

“This was our first shoot with Gary.  He knew every little piece of bottom and we had big fish everywhere we went.  Filming the show as actually easy despite the stiff breeze that came up late in the day.  The hardest part was my 60 mile solo run to the south in advance of our next shoot.  The seas were huge and every third or fourth one came over the bow.  It was arguably one of the toughest runs I ever made.” Capt Andy LoCascio

The fluke fishing (summer flounder fishing) techniques and tackle in this show can be used by anyone who dares to use light tackle for fluke in deep water! If you have questions about any of the equipment used during the show, please contact us.

Click here for our Deep Water Fluke gear recommendations.

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