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Western Sound, NY - Topwater Striper & Bluefish Fishing

By Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/24/2004 - Short URL: https://neangling.com/?p=417 - Views: 136173

Bluefish FishingCaptain Andy LoCascio and Captain Rich Tenreiro hooked up with good friend and respected outdoor contributor John Luchka of Long Run Fishing Charters for some red hot topwater striped bass and bluefish fishing action in their own back yard. The guys experienced some fast and furious action with fish to 15lbs all on popping plugs! Stripers and bluefish continue to be the primary “backyard” plugging species throughout the Northeast. All anglers should practice catch and release to preserve this valuable resource!

There are countless hot-spots in the Western Sound.  The real trick is knowing which ones are most productive on various tide and light conditions.  The bait patterns also have a dramatic effect on productivity.  When the peanut bunker abound, the fish can be spread widely.  When the bait is sparse, the fish are concentrated in fewer spots.  The good news about plugging, is that you can cover a lot of water in a very short time.  When scouting out new spots, be sure to focus the bulk of your efforts at dawn and dusk when the fish are more active.

The bluefish fishing and striped bass fishing techniques and tackle in this show can be used by anyone who loves too see fish crashing the surface in pursuit of their prey. If you have questions about any of the equipment used during the show, please contact us.

Click here for our Striped Bass Plugging and Bluefish Plugging gear recommendations

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