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Tidaltails - Blackfish Jig'z

By Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/20/2011 - Short URL: https://neangling.com/?p=3908 - Views: 88451

Tidaltail jig’z have changed the way we fish for Togs forever!  Myself, along with Capt Rich, John and Andy have been using these jig’z for the past few years and they have changed the black fish game in many ways. Using these jig’z causes us to do nearly the complete opposite of what we have all known about blackfishing. Seriously? 14lb Spinning tackle, 7ft of water and a 1/2 jig? Sounds like a joke I know, but it has been some of the most fun I had not only blackfishing, but fishing in general.

Why the specific coloring? Think about it…

BlackfishIt is thought that the jig was made to match the crab which is partially true, but the jig was actually colored to match allot of things, like bottom orange plume on rocks, the asst green on the rocks and more which is why John Knight call it the “craggy color”. “All in all it is designed to become indigenous to the bottom with a little crab color kicked in. So there is allot going on with the color. It is not just a lump of lead with green and orange paint on it.”

The jig’z are available in sizes from 1/4oz all the way up to 4oz. The smaller jig’z 1/4-1oz are used in shallower water on light spinning tackle whereas the heavier jigs are for the deep water and it’s recommended to switch over to conventional gear rather than heavier spinning tackle.

Thanks to John Knight, we will never blackfish the same way again.

By Capt Andy LoCascio - Host of Northeast Angling TV
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