CNN’s Chris Cuomo with largest striper in the live release division of the 2013 FCA Manhattan Cup
There are a myriad of suggestions and guidelines for releasing fish, very few of them take into account the realities of catch and release fishing. Every situation is different, but the following tips will ensure that every fish that is released will have the best chance of survival.
If you are not planning to take a picture with your fish, there may be no need to net the fish. Leaving the fish in the water will shorten (or eliminate) the time required to revive the fish. Here are some tips:
Too many times, the fish is brought into the boat and the photographer is simply to ready to take the picture. Every second the fish is out of the water reduces its chances of survival. The angler and the photographer should have a clear plan on the unhooking, measuring, photo, and release of the fish.
Light tackle can be a lot of fun. However, the fight will certainly be longer and the fish will be more tired by the time it gets to the boat. In addition, warmer water has less oxygen and creates additional stress. Anglers need to realize that there will be added urgency to release these fish and additional emphasis on a careful revival. All of the tips go from being suggestions to critical steps in ensuring a safe release.
You can also elect to swap out treble hooks for single hooks. This will reduce the time it takes to unhook the fish as well as damage to the fish. However, some lures simply do not work well with single hooks. If you need to use treble hooks you may want to crush the barbs. You might drop a fish or two, but if you keep your line tight you may not drop any.
Circle hooks will greatly increase your chances of a lip hookup and an easy release. Some anglers prefer to use traditional J-hooks especially when fishing with large live baits where it can be tough to get the hook out of the fish and into the bait. In these circumstances, a quick hook will decrease the chance that the fish will be gut-hooked.
If you plan on getting a picture and want to make sure your fish makes it into the boat, here are some tips:
If the hook(s) is visible in the throat or inside the mouth use a pair a needle nose pliers or a de-hooking tool to get it out. Be quick about it, but do your very best because if you have to leave a hook in the inner mouth or throat you may want to take that fish for the table. If the hook is not visible (in the stomach) cut the line as far into the mouth as you can reach (also a fish that may end up on the table). Attempting to remove that hook will almost certainly do more damage. Hopefully the digestive juices will coat and/or dissolve that hook. This really comes down to doing the best you can within reason. Use your judgment. If you are repeatedly hooking fish in the stomach you need to rethink your choice of tackle and strategy for setting the hook.
This 45lb+ striper needed to be supported on the author’s knees for this picture
You finally have your fish on the deck or in your hands on the beach. Your buddy is ready to take a quick picture and you need to present your fish to the camera. If the fish has teeth use a fish-gripping tool to avoid getting bitten and carefully support the belly of the fish with your other hand. This makes for a compelling head-up shot but studies have shown that vertical handling even with support can still damage larger fish. If you do not have a gripping tool, you can CAREFULLY slide your finger(s) beneath the gill closest to your body taking great care not to touch the gills (red part). This is not possible for smaller fish.
For the BEST possible shot, use one hand to gently grip the tail and hold it close to your body. Use your other hand to support the fish from bottom by placing it just behind the gills with the belly supported by your forearm. Point the head of the fish at the camera and smile! It is a good idea to use a wet cotton glove to hold the tail (and remove minimal slime) to ensure the fish does not slip from your hands onto the deck or sand. It is better to use a firmer grip and remove some slime that it is to allow the fish to flop onto the deck or sand.
When dealing with larger fish, at no time throughout the entire fish handling process, should the belly of the fish be unsupported. Several studies have proven conclusively that this can permanently damage the fish.
After your photo get the fish back into the water as quickly as possible and start the revival process. If you keep the fight short and minimize the time out of the water, the fish will be easier to revive and you will be able to get back to fishing.
If you are fishing from the surf, be sure to start the revival process as soon as it is reasonable when you get back in the water. Carefully move the fish into deeper water to reduce the chance that it will get tumbled in the surf.
Once the fish is in the water use your thumb or a gripping tool in the mouth and work the fish slowly forward in the water in a figure-eight pattern until it shows it can swim off on its own. Keep the fish upright at all times (use your other hand if you need to). Some fish such as striped bass raise their dorsal fin when they are ready to go and will bite down on your thumb (or the gripping tool). Be patient and once again use your judgment. Nothing is worse than seeing your released fish back on the beach or floating behind your boat a few moments later. Some fish just can’t be revived and may need to come home with you or a fellow angler if you have your limit.
Anglers interested in striped bass conservation will want to learn about the 1@32 Pledge and the effect it is having in the angling community.
By Capt Andy LoCascio - Host of Northeast Angling TV Share your comments on the Northeast Angling Facebook page