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Video Features

Video, instruction, tips, and techniques for all fishing subjects including boat handling. electronics, fish cleaning, maintenance, nets, safety. trailering, rigging, and more.

Northeast Angling is all about sharing our experiences with other anglers. If you have a question about any of these video features or need any other regional fishing information, please contact us.

Castnetting Part 1 - Selecting the Right Net

Capt Andy LoCascio - 06/03/2011 - Views: 489773

Castnets are really important in the Northeast especially for getting bait in the spring summer and fall. One of our most common baits is bunker, but we also deal with spearing as well. Selecting the…

Underwater Light Install - Coastal Night Lights

Kyle Ondrey - 05/13/2011 - Views: 106840

The team at Coastal Night Lights sent us some amazing underwater LED lights to retrofit our boats. These lights are fairly easy to install if you have some experience and the right tools. Many boat…

Trailer Jack - Install

Kyle Ondrey - 04/15/2011 - Views: 159211

We trailer our boats constantly on Northeast Angling. One of the most important things we need to make sure is in  full working order is the trailer jack. When we picked up the boat from…

Bunker Snagging

Capt Andy LoCascio - 04/06/2011 - Views: 477311

Snagging bunker is a great way to get bait for striped bass. Unfortunately, many anglers make the mistake of using an old rod with bad line to snag bunker. Sooner or later, you’ll catch something!…

Knot Tying - One Man Bimini Twist to Albright

Capt Andy LoCascio - 03/11/2011 - Views: 421004

Andy demonstrates the one man Bimini twist. The Bimini knot can be difficult to tie at first but after plenty of practice you can tie it just a fast as any other knot in your…

Spring Striped Bass Fishing - Tips, Techniques, and Tackle

Capt Andy LoCascio - 03/04/2011 - Views: 557902

Spring striped bass fishing is a sure cure for cabin fever!  However, the water is typically cold and the stripers can be a bit sluggish. Selecting the correct tackle can make the difference between curing…

Tackle - Loading a Spinning Reel

Capt Andy LoCascio - 02/24/2011 - Views: 544901

Loading a spinning reel with braided line takes some additional effort to ensure that the entire mass of line does not simply slip on the spool. This is not a problem with mono because the…

Bait Presentation - Cut Bunker

Capt Andy LoCascio - 02/15/2011 - Views: 442811

Andy describes the most effective way to hook cut bunker. We prefer to cut bunker on a slight angle as it can actually help to reduce spin. When hooking the head, place the hook the…

Striped Bass - Chunking Rig

Capt Andy LoCascio - 02/11/2011 - Views: 438665

The rig for targeting big striped bass using large live baits or chunks includes a swivel, length of leader, and an octopus style J-hook.  The J-hook is typically preferred over a circle hook because the…

Anchoring on Rocky Bottoms

Capt Andy LoCascio - 01/24/2011 - Views: 580212

Andy describes the proper types of anchors to use when fishing in rocky bottoms. He discusses the effectiveness of using a grapple anchor in rocky bottoms and how to rig your traditional danforth anchor to…

Tim Smith - Seabass

Marine Apps for your Phone

Kyle Ondrey - 01/20/2011 - Views: 77919

Tim Smith Finally Speaks! Tim has been one of the cameramen for Northeast Angling since the beginning and also hosts the great fishing site Skimmer Outdoors. He is more or less the most tech savvy…


Bucktails - Match the Hatch

Capt Andy LoCascio - 11/27/2009 - Views: 230421

Learn how to select the most effective bucktail for most saltwater species by matching the size and color of the bait the fish are eating. Brought to you by Uncle Josh.