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Boat trailering video, instruction, and news for inshore and offshore fishermen and much more at Northeast Angling TV

Trailer Winches - Dutton Lainson

Kyle Ondrey - 09/28/2011 - Views: 99782

When retrieving a boat, the winch is the most critical component of the trailer. We have switched all of the winches on our trailers to Dutton Lainson winches. The reason for this is that their…

Trailer Jack - Install

Kyle Ondrey - 04/15/2011 - Views: 159211

We trailer our boats constantly on Northeast Angling. One of the most important things we need to make sure is in  full working order is the trailer jack. When we picked up the boat from…

Boat Trailering - Boat Launching

Capt Andy LoCascio - 11/27/2009 - Views: 509345

Tips for launching your boat from a trailer quickly and safely every time. Includes information about tie downs, safety procedures, safety chains, winch cables, immersion depths, and more.

Boat Trailering - Roller vs Bunk Trailers

Capt Andy LoCascio - 11/27/2009 - Views: 211905

Comparison and applications for roller trailers as opposed to bunk trailers for boats. Roller trailers are typically the best choice if you trailer frequently, use poorly maintained ramps, or have to deal with difficult wind/tide conditions when launching.

Boat Trailering - Tiedown Straps

Capt Andy LoCascio - 11/27/2009 - Views: 430564

Proper use of tie downs to ensure your boat remains on the trailer. This is one of the most critical elements when trailering. Attention to this detail is often overlooked with disasterous results.

Boat Trailering - Checklist

Capt Andy LoCascio - 11/27/2009 - Views: 320459

Use a trailering checklist to ensure that your boat gets to and from the fish in one piece. Items on the checklist include coupler, safety chains, tie-downs, trailer position, brakes, load capacities, and more.

Boat Trailering - Basic Tips

Capt Andy LoCascio - 11/27/2009 - Views: 333871

Basic tips for trailering your boat to and from the fish with safety and confidence. Tips include towing capacity, weight distribution, jack and lug wrenches, spare tires, tools, and more.