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Bluefish Chunking

Raritan Bay, NJ - Striped Bass Fishing - FCA Manhattan Cup 2010

Capt Andy LoCascio - 11/19/2010 - Views: 206114

Andy and Kyle Ondrey round up their A+ team consisting of Eileen Miller, Mitch Wergiles, and Steve Palmo for the 2010 Manhattan Cup sponsored by the Fishermen’s Conservation Association. They start their morning jigging and…

Western Sound, NY - Tournament Bluefish Fishing

Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/07/2007 - Views: 130165

Samantha Marino, first mate on American SportFishing Charters joins Captains Andy LoCascio and Rich Tenreiro to compete in the Oyster Bay Bluefish Tournament. The trio ranges throughout the western sound from Little Neck Bay to…