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Barnegat Bay, NJ - Weakfish Fishing

By Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/27/2004 - Short URL: https://neangling.com/?p=425 - Views: 178069

Weakfish FishingThe Northeast Angling season opened with a May 17 weakfish fishing trip to Barnegat Bay, NJ with Captain Terry Sullivan. Terry has extensive knowledge of New Jersey waters from Barnegat Inlet to Sandy Hook. Terry proved how sharp he really is when he put Capt Andy and Rich on weakfish to over 10lbs.

Weakfish stocks have been fluctuating wildly. These are amazing fish and tough fighters for their size.  The early evening Weakfish bite in Barnegat bay was amazing as weakfish, striped bass, and bluefish crashed bait all around the boat.

“This was our first trip to Barnegat Bay and we were not disappointed!  The shoot had some serious challenges.  Weakfish fishing around the sedge islands can be very tricky because of the great temperature difference between the bay and ocean water .  The ocean water was more than 10 degrees cooler and when the tide started coming in, we were worried the bite would shut down completely.  However, we found a great spot for filming and fishing, and the bite was on!” Capt Andy LoCascio

If you have questions about any of the weakfish fishing equipment used during the show, please contact us.

Click here for our Light Tackle Weakfish gear recommendations.

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