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Western Sound, NY - Striped Bass Fishing - Peanut Bunker

By Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/24/2003 - Short URL: https://neangling.com/?p=389 - Views: 267123

Striped Bass FishingThe late fall striped bass fishing trip into the local waters of the Western Long Island was quite successful. Andy and Rich used a technique common in the southern states to drive school size stripers into a feeding frenzy. They took a baitwell full of live baby bunker (menhaden) and threw handfuls out across the surface. It took only moments for the fish to turn on and the action was incredible. They battled dozens of fish up to the mid-teens on very light tackle in depths of no more than 12ft.

This striped bass fishing technique can be used on any rocky point when schools of baby bunker are abundant. If you have questions about any of the striped bass fishing equipment used during the show, please contact us.

“This was the second show that Rich and I did without a guest and we were finally getting comfortable filming together.  There is a great moment near the end where Rich hooks up a solid fish that I had just missed and was in danger of getting spooled.  I was so annoyed at him, that it took every bit of self control to put my rod down and chase the fish.  Damn that Rich!” Capt Andy LoCascio

Click here for our Striped Bass on Peanut Bunker gear recommendations.

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