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Destination Montauk

By Capt Andy LoCascio - 07/05/2010 - Short URL: https://neangling.com/?p=2319 - Views: 590345

Montauk, NY is one of the premiere fishing destinations in the Northeast.  It really has everything a fisherman could want including great accommodations and easy access to both inshore and offshore fishing.

Where to Stay

There is absolutely no need to rough it in Montauk.  We always stay at the Montauk Manor.  The best rooms (and lots of them), the most amenities (indoor/outdoor pools, tennis, day spa, exercise room, and more).  They have a great restaurant/bar (Tres Bella).  This is a great place to leave any “significant others” that do not want to go fishing (there is alot to do in Montauk!).  They also have a free shuttle to take you around town or to your boat. If you stay here once, you will never want to stay anywhere else.

Where to Launch and more

Though there are several marinas, Gone Fishing Marina stands out above the rest.  It has a ramp, complete tackle shop (inshore and offshore gear), gas, diesel, mechanic, water, ice, bait (including live eels), and plenty of great advice.  They also have slips available for short or long term stays.  There are several prominent charter operations that leave from the marina (including Jimmy George and the Nicole Marie).  When you are done fishing you can grab a bite or a drink at the FishBar (great fish tacos).

Offshore Access

Some of the best offshore destinations are a reasonable distance from the point including the following:

  • Butterfish Hole
  • Little Fishtails
  • Fishtails
  • Tip of the Hudson Canyon
  • Texas Tower

Montauk Inshore Species

Just about every inshore and offshore species can be caught, but the most common inshore species include striped bass, bluefish, fluke, sea bass, and porgies.  There can be an awesome early season monster fluke bite in the spring.  The first stripers arrive in late spring and the bite stays hot right through the late fall (which can be unbelievable).  The porgy and sea bass bite is always good and there are numerous party boats that target these fish.  For the last few years there has also been a respectable cod bite (though it can be hit and miss at times).

Montauk Surf Fishing

There is plenty of access, though some of the spots require permits that need to be obtained in advance.  Stripers and blues are the usual targets.  The night bite is frequently more productive than the day bite.  The late fall run is simply legendary.

Click here to see all Northeast Angling Montauk, NY Shows

Click here to see New York Fishing Reports

Click here to view Striped Bass Tackle

Click here to view Bluefish Tackle

Click here to view Fluke Tackle

Click here to view Sea Bass Tackle

Click here to view Porgy Tackle

By Capt Andy LoCascio - Host of Northeast Angling TV
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