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Shinnecock, NY - Ocean Fluke Fishing

By Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/14/2006 - Short URL: https://neangling.com/?p=479 - Views: 81024

Fluke FishingCaptains Andy LoCascio, Rich Tenreiro, and John Marino of American Sportfishing Charters join forces to get in on the fluke bite on the south shore of Long Island. They use 4oz and 6oz bucktails and land some very impressive fish. They use a teaser rig designed for whole squid baits and also demonstrate stemming techniques.

Stemming is a technique that we primarily use for fluke fishing. It involves pointing the stern into the current and placing the motor in reverse to fight the tide. This is very helpful and allows us to keep our jigs on the bottom better and basically choose how fast we want our drift to be.  The captain needs to use good judgment.  Operating a boat in reverse in a heavy see can be dangerous.

If you have questions about any of the equipment used during the show, please contact us.

Click here for our Deep Water Fluke gear recommendations

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