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Video, detailed instruction, tackle recommendations, locations, destinations, news and much more for Fluke (Summer Flounder) fishing!

Fluke have become a critical northeast inshore species. Their numbers have continued to increase despite questionable management practices. Continually shifting state specific fluke regulations are at times harder to understand than a NY City taxi driver. A “bucket list” summer flounder is anything over 10lbs. A trophy is anything in the teens. Fluke are great fighting fish and the pros know the biggest fish are often found on hard bottom.

Verrazano Bridge, NY - Fluke - 2009

Best Fluke Rods and Reels

Capt Andy LoCascio - 07/12/2013 - Views: 211917

Fluke season is upon us and this season promises to be one of the best in years.  However, there are a lot of small fish around.  The pros make sure they finely tune their fluke…

New Tackle Recommendations

Capt Andy LoCascio - 05/16/2013 - Views: 104377

The crew from Northeast Angling has put together a complete list of tackle recommendations along with tips and techniques for all of the regional saltwater species.  Each list includes the rods, reels, line, terminal tackle,…

Fluking and Striper Fishing

Capt Andy LoCascio - 06/03/2011 - Views: 105420

With both seasons starting to heat up more and more as the days pass, here are some tips to keep in mind. Fluke It is critical that the bait is presented just off the bottom,…

Destination Montauk

Capt Andy LoCascio - 07/05/2010 - Views: 590345

Montauk, NY is one of the premiere fishing destinations in the Northeast.  It really has everything a fisherman could want including great accommodations and easy access to both inshore and offshore fishing. Where to Stay There…

Verrazano Bridge, NY - Fluke - 2009

Verrazano Bridge, NY - Fluke Fishing

Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/06/2009 - Views: 311457

Captains Andy and Rich meet up with their good friend and accomplished tournament angler Dave Lilly. Dave puts them on an amazing fluke bite in the deep water just south of the bridge. The guys…

Fluke Fishing

Hyannis, MA - Fluke Fishing

Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/20/2008 - Views: 152449

Captains Andy and Rich join Capt Joe Huckemeyer of the famous Helen H (508-790-0660) for a trip down the Vineyard Sound in pursuit of some monster fluke. They catch too many big fluke to count…

Block Island, RI - Summer Slam - 2007

Block Island, RI - Summer Slam - 2007

Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/05/2007 - Views: 219450

Captains Andy LoCascio and Rich Tenreiro hook up with Capt Dave Chieffo of Block Island Fishing Charters for an incredible day of fishing that included monster stripers on eels and on the troll, as well…

Shinnecock, NY - Ocean Fluke - 2006

Shinnecock, NY - Ocean Fluke Fishing

Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/14/2006 - Views: 81024

Captains Andy LoCascio, Rich Tenreiro, and John Marino of American Sportfishing Charters join forces to get in on the fluke bite on the south shore of Long Island. They use 4oz and 6oz bucktails and…

Mt. Sinai, NY - Fluke - 2006

Mt. Sinai, NY - Fluke Fishing

Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/02/2006 - Views: 265861

Captain Barbara Fusco of Luv 2 Fish Charters joins Andy and Rich for a very special day fishing with very light tackle for fluke (summer flounder). The guys travel out to Mt. Sinai, NY to fish…

Stamford, CT - Light Tackle Fluke - 2005

Stamford, CT - Light Tackle Fluke

Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/17/2005 - Views: 103276

Tim Norman joins Andy and Rich for an amazing day of fluke fishing on light tackle. The guys score dozens of big fluke in depths ranging from 35-50ft of water. This video illustrates the stemming…

Nomans Land, MA - Grand Slam - 2005

Nomans Land, MA - Grand Slam

Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/13/2005 - Views: 129213

Capt Andy and Capt Rich hook up with 2004 ASA Champion Skip Stritzinger. They travel to remote Nomans Land Island just south of Martha’s Vineyard in search of a grand slam of Striped Bass, Fluke,…

Vineyard Sound, MA - Fluke Fishing

Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/26/2004 - Views: 234995

Capts Andy LoCascio and Rich Tenreiro make a late June fluke fishing trip to Vineyard Sound, MA to fish with Capt Gary Corsetti for some monster fluke (summer flounder). The guys catch a pile of trophy fluke to…