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Welcome to Northeast Angling!

Saltwater fishing video, tips. techniques, inshore and offshore locations, news, and much more for Striped Bass fishing, Tuna fishing (Bluefin, Yellowfin, and Giant Tuna), Fluke fishing (Summer Flounder), Weakfish fishing, Blackfish fishing (Tautog), Shark Fishing, Porgy Fishing (Scup), Black Drum fishing, and Bluefish fishing, Cod fishing, Sea Bass fishing, and Winter Flounder fishing.

"We are currently releasing all the past shows (full length and free) on our YouTube channel. Subscribe to our YouTube channel or Like us on Facebook to receive notifications." Captain Andy LoCascio - Long Island Fishing Charters

Fishing News

Northeast Angling Supports FCA

Capt Andy LoCascio - 11/19/2010

Northeast Angling has been a supporter of the FCA for several years. The FCA is a non-profit organization whose sole mission is to promote the conservation of beach access, habitat, and fisheries management. All money…

Northeast Angling Partners with the RFA

Capt Andy LoCascio - 11/19/2010

Northeast Angling is a long time supporter of the Recreational Fishing Alliance. The RFA is a political action organization that was established in 1996 to represent the rights recreational fishermen and the recreational fishing industry…

Raritan Bay, NJ - Striped Bass Fishing - FCA Manhattan Cup 2010

Capt Andy LoCascio - 11/19/2010

Andy and Kyle Ondrey round up their A+ team consisting of Eileen Miller, Mitch Wergiles, and Steve Palmo for the 2010 Manhattan Cup sponsored by the Fishermen’s Conservation Association. They start their morning jigging and…

Montauk, NY - Striped Bass Fishing - Wire Line Chunking

Capt Andy LoCascio - 11/18/2010

Capt Andy and Capt Rich join their good friend from John Steadman of Point to Port Charters to experience a unique wire line chunk bite.  Capt Andy LoCascio said “To the best of my knowledge,…

2010 Show line-up

Capt Andy LoCascio - 11/18/2010

The 2010 fishing and filming season was one of the best in years.  Capt Andy and Capt Rich once again headed to new places to try new techniques.  Their trips included the a epic topwater…

Welcome to the “NEW” Northeast Angling

Capt Andy LoCascio - 11/18/2010

Capt Andy LoCascio and Captain Rich Tenreiro have been bringing you fishing entertainment and knowledge since 2003. We strive to provide you with the best fishing television show in the nation, and thanks to you the…

Block Island

Block Island, RI - Topwater Striped Bass Fishing

Capt Andy LoCascio - 11/17/2010

Captains Andy and Rich work the beaches and points of Block Island, RI in mid-July using topwater plugs and light spinning tackle for big school-sized striped bass that are crashing sand eels. There were schools of sand eels…

Cape May

Destination Cape May

Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/07/2010

Cape May, NJ is a spectacular place to visit. It is an incredible place to jump on a boat and go fishing or just take a walk around town, there are so many great local…

Norwalk, CT - Light Tackle Blackfish Fishing

Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/05/2010

Andy and Rich meet up with Captain John Marino of American Sportfishing Charters and make a run up to Norwalk Connecticut for blackfish on light spinning rod outfits 10ft of water! The guys use the…

Block Island, RI - Night Striped Bass Fishing

Capt Andy LoCascio - 09/21/2010

Andy and Rich meet up with good friend Capt Dave Chieffo from Block Island Charters for a night striped bass bite one eels.  As usual the monster stripers at Block Island cooperate. They start out with…

Block Island, RI - Porgy Fishing

Capt Andy LoCascio - 09/20/2010

  Capt Andy and Capt Rich return to a spot at Block Island, RI where they hooked a few monster porgies a year earlier while searching for fluke. Once the current starts to run, the…


Striped Marlin – Galapagos

Capt Andy LoCascio - 09/20/2010

Steve Palmo hooks and quickly subdues a nice striped marlin while fishing in the waters off of San Cristobal, Galapagos.  The fish was one of several big fish released that day.  Capt Andy LoCascio performed…