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Hudson Canyon, NY - Tilefish Fishing

By Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/14/2008 - Short URL: https://neangling.com/?p=542 - Views: 319784

Tilefish FishingCaptains Andy and Rich hook up with Captain Freddy Gamboa of Andreas Toy Charters. They brave 6-8ft seas, 40 degree water temps, 30 degree air temps to travel offshore to the Hudson Canyon in pursuit of golden tilefish. Despite the very tough conditions they catch many fish to 20lbs and experience this very unique fishery.

The techniques in this show can be used by anyone who wants to target these little known fish anywhere in the region. If you have questions about any of the equipment used during the show, please contact us.

“This was one of the toughest shows we ever filmed! The seas on the way out were on the starboard bow quarter and the ride was incredibly wet and brutally cold. The top I was wearing wasn’t waterproof and I was soaked by the time we arrived. It was actually too rough to move the camera crew into our boat and we needed to wait an hour before the sea settled enough. Fortunately, I had some other clothes to change into. We only fished an hour so and then headed back inshore. The bite was great, but it was really cold!” Capt Andy LoCascio

Click here for our recommended Tilefish Tackle.

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