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Welcome to Northeast Angling!

Saltwater fishing video, tips. techniques, inshore and offshore locations, news, and much more for Striped Bass fishing, Tuna fishing (Bluefin, Yellowfin, and Giant Tuna), Fluke fishing (Summer Flounder), Weakfish fishing, Blackfish fishing (Tautog), Shark Fishing, Porgy Fishing (Scup), Black Drum fishing, and Bluefish fishing, Cod fishing, Sea Bass fishing, and Winter Flounder fishing.

"We are currently releasing all the past shows (full length and free) on our YouTube channel. Subscribe to our YouTube channel or Like us on Facebook to receive notifications." Captain Andy LoCascio - Long Island Fishing Charters

Fishing News

Strip Bait Knives

Capt Andy LoCascio - 11/26/2009

Select the correct fishing knife for preparing strip baits and cross cutting smaller baits. Brought to you by Dexter Russell.

Adjust Sonar Sensitivity Manually

Capt Andy LoCascio - 11/26/2009

All fish finders include a feature that allows to sonar unit to automatically set the sensitivity (gain). The effectiveness of the feature varies widely based on the manufacturer, water conditions (temperature, salinity, etc.), speed, other…

Understanding Sonar

Capt Andy LoCascio - 11/26/2009

Get the most out of your fishing sonar unit by understanding what you see on the screen.  Sonar technology has come a long way in recent years.  Even the least expensive fish finders can provide…

Providence, RI - Striped Bass - 2009

Providence, RI - Striper Bass Fishing

Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/29/2009

Captains Andy and Rich join their good friend Captain Mike Neto of the Adrianna Fishing Charters. They head up river to Providence, RI and catch loads of keeper striped bass on chunks in front of…

Manhattan Cup - 2009

Jamaica Bay, NY - Striped Bass Fishing - FCA Manhattan Cup 2009

Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/15/2009

Captains Andy LoCascio and Rich Tenreiro are joined by Peter Bordes, Mitch Wergiles, and mate Kyle Ondrey in the prestigious Manhattan Cup Tournament sponsored by the Fishermen’s Conservation Association. Along with the most impressive field…

Glory Hole Tuna - 2009

Glory Hole, NY/NJ - Bluefin Tuna Fishing

Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/10/2009

Captains Andy and Rich meet up with Lou Grazioso of Stripermania fishing charters at the Glory Hole 50 miles south of Long Island. They score a bunch of big bluefin to well over 100lbs on…

Verrazano Bridge, NY - Fluke - 2009

Verrazano Bridge, NY - Fluke Fishing

Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/06/2009

Captains Andy and Rich meet up with their good friend and accomplished tournament angler Dave Lilly. Dave puts them on an amazing fluke bite in the deep water just south of the bridge. The guys…


Striped Marlin – Galapagos

Capt Andy LoCascio - 02/09/2009

Angler Nancy LoCascio hooks a monster striped marlin while fishing in the Galapagos and she muscles the fish to the boat for a release. This fish was on of many she caught on the trip with…

Monster Striped Marlin – Galapagos

Capt Andy LoCascio - 02/07/2009

Angler Mitch Wergiles fights and releases a huge striped marlin while fishing in the Galapagos. The fish was so large that it was momentarily mis-identified as a blue marlin. The fish was estimated at well…

Fire Island, NY - Striped Bass Fishing

Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/29/2008

Captains Andy and Rich join their good friend professional angler Paul Michele to experience the monster striped bass bite in Great South Bay along the Fire Island beaches. The guys snag and hold live bunker…

Huntington, NY - Porgies - 2008

Huntington, NY - Porgy Fishing

Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/23/2008

Captains Andy and Rich join their good friend Captain John Marino of American Sportfishing Charters for some jumbo porgy fishing. The guys fish the shallows outside of Huntington Harbor and can dozens of fish to…

Monomoy Rips, MA - Stripers - 2008

Monomoy Rips, MA - Striped Bass Fishing

Capt Andy LoCascio - 10/22/2008

Captains Andy and Rich join Capt Mitch Mills of the Helen H Fleet (508-790-0660) to hook up with striped bass in the famous Monomoy Rips. They use an innovative technique of drifting that involves drifting…